Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Movie Review: Captain America: The First Avenger

   This excellently crafted movie starring the excellent looking Chris Evans is intense, inspiring, and all-out awesome. Scrawny Steve Rogers wants desperately to serve his country and enlist in World War II, but has too many physical flaws and just…isn’t built for it. But when kind Dr. Erskine gives him a chance- a chance to become more than he is physically with a special new experiment, he hesitantly-but gladly- accepts. This movie follows good-hearted Steve in his quest to serve his country- and he ultimately becomes Captain America: America’s Super Soldier.

As a parent review, I recommend this movie for at least thirteen years and older, for some references and superhero violence. I think I should always include Kids in Mind or Common Sense Media with PG-13, so here’s the link:

Anyway, this is a five-star movie. Loved it!

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