Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Book Review: Sean Griswold's Head by Lindsey Leavitt

Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. This. Book. So. Freaking. Much.
This book is by one of my favorite authors, and I loved it even more than expected! This book follows Peyton Gritas, a mild-mannered, studious girl with a seemingly mediocre life. Everything changes when she finds out horrific news: her dad has Multiple Schlerosis, a crippling disease. Peyton hesitantly visits her school counselor, who gives her an assignment: find a single object and keep a Focus Journal about it for several weeks. After searching and searching, she finally picks one: the blond head of Sean Griswold, the boy who sits in front of her in Biology. This novel is serious at times, humorous at times, and romantic all the way. It gives the message of being driven, inspired, and determined.
Besides being an adorable romance. Five stars!

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