Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Book Review: The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan

I love Percy Jackson. It mildly bothered me that he wasn't in this one, because he's such a great character and my central focus when I read these awesome books. Plus, you hardly saw any of Annabeth. It was a good break, though, with fresh new characters beginning to fulfill the Prophecy of the Seven. This story focuses mainly on three characters: Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, and Jason Grace. Jason wakes up on a bus one day with a girl, Piper, and a guy named Leo. Everyone is saying that Piper's his girlfriend and Leo's his best friend, but he doesn't remember anything. They find out they're demigods- and get this, some guy named Percy Jackson is missing from Camp Half Blood. This book mixes both sides- Greek and Roman mythology- and provides intriguing backstory. It's a fresh start to the trilogy, even though Percy doesn't appear at all. It definitely leaves you wondering.
Four and a half stars!

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